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When it comes to making an unexpected pregnancy decision, abortion is not your only option. While the other two require you to carry your pregnancy to term, they can both offer rewarding alternatives that can be highly fulfilling. 

We’ll go over adoption and parenting as two other paths you can take with your pregnancy. But if you’d like to talk to someone face-to-face, reach out to us at New Life Family Outreach. We can help you review your options as you navigate the road ahead. 

Option 1: Parenting

Embracing parenthood provides an opportunity to nurture and guide a new life, experiencing the joys and challenges of raising a child. While it requires significant commitment, time, and resources, many find the journey deeply fulfilling.

Support systems such as family, friends, and community resources can help ease the transition into parenthood. Access to parenting classes, healthcare, and financial assistance can also make a significant difference. 

Moreover, the emotional and personal growth often accompanying raising a child can create profound, lasting bonds and a sense of purpose.

For those facing uncertainty, exploring parenting options and seeking support can help them make an informed decision. The journey of parenthood, though challenging, can bring immense joy and fulfillment, creating a solid foundation for both you and your child.

Option 2: Adoption

Parenting is a big decision, and not everybody can make the commitment. Don’t worry; there’s still another option to explore: adoption

Despite any misconceptions you may have, modern adoption allows more flexibility and control to the birthmother than ever before. You can choose the family who adopts your child. You can also control how you communicate with them and the level of communication.

For instance, you could choose an open adoption where you maintain a relationship with the adoptive family and your child however you want. Conversely, you could choose a closed adoption, where you gain confidentiality. Your identifying records are sealed, and you remain anonymous.

Discuss Your Options

New Life Family Outreach can provide you with a safe and confidential space to discuss your options and access to material goods, education, and resources. We also offer pregnancy testing, sonograms, and post-abortive groups. 

Get a no-cost appointment. You deserve the best support possible, and our compassionate staff is waiting to assist you today.

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